Dec. 2018- Feb. 2019
* Dec. 3. Thanks for Being You!
* Dec. 12. The "No-Secret" Secret;
He knocks on the door of our souls. Answer His knock today. It's no secret that Hi's the answer!
* Jan. 1. New Year, New Priorities;
contemplated the meaning of life, he offered two recommendations, First, we\re to live in the most meaningful way we can, which includes fully enjoying the good things God allows us to experience in life, ........ His second recommendation was diligent work. Life is full of opportunities, and there is always more work to be done. We're to take advantage of the opportunities God gives us, seeking His wisdom on how to prioritize work and play in a way that use our gifting to serve Him. Life is a wonderful gift from the Lord.
* Jan. 15. A song in the Night;
Lord, we know that You have carried all our suffering and will one day turn it around into resurrection life. Still, there is so much healing that we wait and long for. As we wait for that morning, help us to rest in Your song of love in the night.
*Jan 16. Sharing More Than Stuff;
Jeses, as we share our lives with others, ma we reflect Your loving heart. Sharing God's love = caring for others.
* Feb. 15. Sinking into Grace;
god, I'm so anxious. I churn inside. Would You help me trust You with my night, with my day, with my life?
* Feb. 22. He Holds Our Hand;
Father, thank You for always watching over me.
'From "Our Daily Bread"' 카테고리의 다른 글
2019 Sep.- Nov. (0) | 2020.01.26 |
2019 June- Aug. (0) | 2020.01.26 |
September- November 2018 (0) | 2019.04.25 |
June- Aug. 2018 (0) | 2018.10.28 |
2018. Mar. -May (0) | 2018.09.04 |